birthdayTen Years Peasant and Emigration Museum

Time for some special events and new exhibitions

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This summer, the Kojakovice Peasant and Emigration Museum will celebrate its 10 year anniversary. We decided not to make a very formal event from this but follow our line of friendly and open activities, only a wee bit more so.

Blacksmiths at work   ten years


The main celebration day will be May 21, from 13 till 17 hour, as opening of our anniversary season.

Video and Slide Presentations.

Starting at 13:00, every hour on the hour there will be films and slide shows on the opening in 2001 and about our sister city Oxford Junction in the USA.

Jumping Castle

For kids, there will be the jumping castle again

Cold War: US Army Engineers in Europe

If completed, we will show a new exhibition on the US Army Engineers. Eye-catcher of the exhibition will be our newly-restored 1973 dump truck doubling as troop carrier. Hopefully, a few other Czech, Soviet and US military vehicles will show up as well. If the trcuk is not ready yet, the exhibition will open later this summer as a special event.

dump truck   Jeep


An important part of such an event are refreshments. Be sure, they will be there. Traditional Czech sweet cakes, kolaceks, sausages from the grill and much more. And off course all kind of drinks including original Czech beer (take a sober driver with you), Kofola, tea and coffee.

Admission and prices

Admission is free, donations and birthday presents will be greatly appreciated. Refreshments you have to pay for but prices are moderate.

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© Robert Dulfer (2021)